Dave Eggers’ “The Every”

A tragicomic look at Big Tech, following from “The Circle.”

Cory Doctorow
4 min readOct 4, 2021


The cover of Dave Eggers’ ‘The Every.’

“The Every” is Dave Eggers’ latest novel, out today from McSweeney’s. It’s the sequel to his 2013 techno-dystopian satire “The Circle,” and it’s a deeply discomfiting, darkly hilarious, keen-edged tale of paternalism and its discontents.


Eggers’ book is set in the confines of a company called the Every, a kind of sequel to Facebook/Google, which grew so big that it bought out and absorbed Amazon, becoming a totalizing, world-spanning tech giant to end all tech giants.

Delaney is the latest hire at the Every (an “Everyone”). She is there to destroy the company from within, a plan she hatched years before when an Every-esque Whole Foods-alike put her parents’ quirky organic grocer out of business and turned them into haunted screen-zombies.

Delaney was mentored by a legendary tech critic, but disappointed the old woman by turning in a brilliantly argued thesis explaining why the Every is not a monopolist and should be shielded from antitrust scrutiny.

What her mentor didn’t know was that the thesis was part of her plan — to be hired by the Every and then destroy it from within by pushing it to make social apps that were so…

