The Business Roundtable’s climate plan was killed by its arch-rival, the Business Roundtable
If only Apple, Pepsi, Walmart and Google knew someone at the lobbying shop they own.
Three years ago to the date, the Business Roundtable unveiled its “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation” — a commitment by its 200 member-CEOs and companies to protect the environment. Then they spent three years and millions of dollars lobbying against that goal.
Writing in The Guardian, Adam Lowenstein rounds up the Business Roundtable’s deep-pocketed, highly effective lobbying campaign, which has crushed numerous climate initiatives in the US, possibly dooming the human race to extinction.
The Roundtable bills itself as “an association of CEOs of leading US companies working to promote a thriving economy & expanded opportunity for all Americans through sound public policy.” Its members include the CEOs of the country’s most politically connected corporations, including Apple, Pepsi, Walmart…