Member-only story
The Mafia hires good accountants
Honest cheaters enable the mob.
High-profile leaks like the Pandora Papers and financial collapses like Carillion have shone a spotlight on the role that “the professions” play in enabling international finance crimes, which include both money-laundering and the underlying (ghastly, violent) crimes that produce the money to be laundered.
For example, the Sackler family knowingly and deliberately created the opioid epidemic that has killed more than 800,000 Americans so far, and then used the best, most respectable, highest price bankruptcy lawyers in the country to secure a deal that let them keep billions and deny justice to their victims.
High-priced, ultra-respectable firms of economists generate millions in billing every year ginning up plausible-seeming, opaquely complex “analyses” that monopolistic firms use to bamboozle regulators into allowing them to undertake anticompetitive mergers that destroy the real economy, communities and jobs:
And then there are the auditors — four giant firms have gobbled up all their rivals and merged with one another, while “diversifying” into offering “consulting” services…