This day in history

2013, 2018, 2022.

Cory Doctorow
2 min readMar 23, 2023


#10yrsago Sen Chuck Schumer took $100K from private prisons, now gets to help decide whether to send undocumented immigrants to jail

#10yrsago Congressman boasts on Twitter about the money he got to support CISPA, then thinks better of it

#10yrsago We have a choice about the world that technology will give us

#10yrsago How long should we expect Google Keep to last?

#10yrsago Skype’s IP-leaking security bug creates denial-of-service cottage industry

#5yrsago The oil industry just told a judge that climate change is undeniably real, but they still found a way to weasel

#5yrsago Seasteading meets the shock doctrine in Puerto Rico, where ethnic cleansing precedes Going Galt…

