This day in history
2019, 2023.
I’m at DEFCON! TODAY (Aug 10), I’m giving a keynote called “Disenshittify or die! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses’ insatiable horniness for enshittification” (noon, LVCC — L1 — HW1–11–01).
tx#5yrsago As police scrutiny tightens, Hong Kongers use Tinder and Pokemon Go to organize protests
#5yrsago Group sex dating app has “the worst security for any dating app”
#5yrsago Six charts that illuminate the state of US immigration
#5yrsago The NRA spent $70,000 on a consultant to help Wayne LaPierre choose which mansion to purchase
#5yrsago Uber projected $8b in losses for 2019, but it just booked $5.2b in losses in a single quarter
#5yrsago RIP, Linux Journal
#5yrsago Barnes and Noble’s new boss is James Daunt, who rescued the UK’s Waterstones
#5yrsago Facebook has filed a laughable patent-application for the well-known practice of “shadow banning”
#5yrsago Florida police admit they will not be able to recover gun stolen during masked orgy
#5yrsago The voting machines that local officials swore were not connected to the internet have been connected to the internet for years
#1yrago No, Uber’s (still) not profitable
Community voting for SXSW is live! If you wanna hear RIDA QADRI and me talk about how GIG WORKERS can DISENSHITTIFY their jobs with INTEROPERABILITY, VOTE FOR THIS ONE!