Unions are finally fighting two-tier contracts

How the actual fuck did they fail to see through this bullshit decades ago?

Cory Doctorow


An old-fashioned hard-hat and a beat-up steel lunchpail are arranged on a chipped red-brick staircase. The lunchpail bears a sticker for Teamsters for a Democratic Union. Image: Cindy Shebley (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/cindyshebley/36690169013 CC BY 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Now that Striketober has given way to Strikesgiving, let’s pause for a moment and be grateful that labor made 2021 the year that unions wised up to the self-immolating scam that is the two-tier contract.

