Workplace surveillance is coming for you

Empricism washing as a form of wage-theft.

Cory Doctorow


A four-quadrant rectangle depicting four vintage workplace photos: an industrial assembly line, a typing pool, a phone switchboard and a private executive office. In each quadrant is a figure of a scientist in a labcoat, whose head has been replaced with the staring red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Image: Cryteria (modified) CC BY 3.0: Scottish Government (modified): https://w

If you want to do something terrible with technology, you can’t just roll it out on people with money and social capital. They’ll complain and your idea will tank. Successful shitty tech rollouts start with people you can abuse with impunity (prisoners, kids, migrants, etc) and then work their way up the privilege gradient…

